John's running family

Created by Paula one year ago

This is the measure of John Shand: I never met him in person, but I counted him amongst my closest friends. I knew what a special person he was, and I'm truly devastated by his loss. I know I'm not the only one in our running community. 

I met John nearly 4 years ago when he joined the chat group of our running club - the ethos of which is Support; Inspire; Achieve. Well; John certainly lived up to all 3 with his running. He absolutely shone at supporting his fellow runners, just as he clearly shone at supporting others in his work. I was privileged to be one of the people he went on to follow on Strava.

He once described our running group as like a second family and I said to him that he was definitely the supportive brother in that family. He replied that he would be honoured to have a sister like me. From that moment on, he called me his sis and he was my bruv.

John was a phenomenal runner; so dedicated. It was all going so well. Of course, he wanted to be the best runner that he could be, but he was never competitive with anyone else. Above all, he just loved running and, like me, felt that when you were running, you were really living. If you were ever nervous before a race, he would always remind you that enjoyment was what it was all about. So true. He was one of my biggest running cheerleaders and I was one of his. I'm so glad that, in what turned out to be our last chat - a couple of days before he was taken ill - I told him how proud of him I was and he said he was proud of me.

My dear bruv, I can't put into words how much I miss you. Strava is not the same without you. I miss your kind words of encouragement, I miss your wit, and I really miss following your running. I can't imagine what your family is going through, and I'm sending them so much love. I hope it's some small comfort to them to know that you were so well thought of.

I really hope there are some great running routes in heaven for you to smash👊 You will be in my heart forever - I'll never forget you and will always enjoy every run for 2 from now on. Rest in peace bruv (still can't believe I'm saying that). Love always, your sis xxxx

Paula Summerfield